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Our Gluten Free Glens Falls Bakery – A Place to Call Home

gluten free glens falls bakery

Our gluten free Glens Falls Bakery is moving again. It is wonderful and amazing and overwhelming and more expensive than I would ever have wanted. When we moved to Glens Falls two years ago, we had a mission. We were going to market ourselves to the local bakeries and eateries and get the word out that we existed. Continue reading Our Gluten Free Glens Falls Bakery – A Place to Call Home

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Gluten Free Mini Quiche – Dairy Free

mini quiche gluten free dairy free

We are quiche eaters, so any time we go through a dietary shift, we have to find a way to translate quiche. Our Gluten Free Mini Quiche Recipe is Dairy Free. Mini Quiche are quick and easy and full of protein. We offer them as hor d’oeuvres when we cater. Continue reading Gluten Free Mini Quiche – Dairy Free

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Dairy Intolerance – an after effect of Celiac’s Disease

living a dairy free life

I am back to share with you my dairy intolerance – an after effect of Celiac’s Disease. Optimistic me thought 4 years ago when I was diagnosed that I would simply steer clear of gluten and I would heal. How naive I feel about myself. Continue reading Dairy Intolerance – an after effect of Celiac’s Disease

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Gluten Free Cheesecake Recipe

Gluten Free Cheesecake Recipe? Well, cheesecake was a family favorite, often served for birthdays and holidays. I’m not sure we have encountered a cheesecake we didn’t like.

Going gluten free changed that though. It took a lot of thinking to find the get around to the whole lack of decent graham crackers kind of thing. What I did find however, is that a graham cracker crust does not always need graham crackers. Continue reading Gluten Free Cheesecake Recipe

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Divinely Gluten Free is MOVING!

divinely gluten free in glens falls ny

Divinely Gluten Free is MOVING! Oh My Goodness, whose idea was this? After months of a horrible kitchen remodel that was just not meant to be, We have decided to move our operations 50 miles north. Why? I am not totally sure, but the universe appears to be very much behind it, and when the universe speaks, I do kind of listen. Continue reading Divinely Gluten Free is MOVING!

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Gluten Free Tuna Melt

tuna melt gluten free style

Did someone say we needed a Gluten Free Tuna Melt? Sometimes I just need a quick simple meal for dinner. As most of you know, living gluten free is not a convenience. Everything gets harder once you go gluten free. So, as we prepare to move home & our corporate offices 50 miles north of where we are located right now, I need a little ease in my life. Continue reading Gluten Free Tuna Melt

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A Brand New Day at Divinely Gluten Free

Divinely Gluten free logo

We lost our website about two weeks ago. It’s an insane story that should never have happened, but it has made us look at things and evaluate everything and so, it has become a brand new day here at Divinely Gluten Free. None of it has been particularly easy or comfortable, but most growth is not either of those things. Continue reading A Brand New Day at Divinely Gluten Free