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Dairy Intolerance – an after effect of Celiac’s Disease

living a dairy free life

I am back to share with you my dairy intolerance – an after effect of Celiac’s Disease. Optimistic me thought 4 years ago when I was diagnosed that I would simply steer clear of gluten and I would heal. How naive I feel about myself. Continue reading Dairy Intolerance – an after effect of Celiac’s Disease

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Gluten Free Kitchen: A Quick Guide to Cleaning

gluten free kitchen

When You Don’t Live a Gluten Free Life

Chances are if you are living gluten free, you already have a Gluten Free Kitchen (oh for your sake, I hope so). If you are baking for someone who is living gluten free, or diagnosed with Celiac’s disease, we want to provide a few tips to make your kitchen safe prior to cooking or baking. Continue reading Gluten Free Kitchen: A Quick Guide to Cleaning

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Arsenic Levels In Rice are Why We Don’t Use Rice in Our Gluten Free Baking Mixes

rising arsenic levels in rice a bad thing for gluten sensitivity

When we first found out that as a family we had Celiac Disease, we were in shock, as most families are. The prospect of changing our lives so drastically was overwhelming. What was even scarier was the realization that most gluten free products that replace gluten based ingredients were replaced with rice. While I happen to love rice – one of the few starches growing up that did not make my stomach hurt, my understanding of arsenic levels in rice was a little scary. Continue reading Arsenic Levels In Rice are Why We Don’t Use Rice in Our Gluten Free Baking Mixes

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Yes! Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity is Real

celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are real and dangerous longterm

Of course gluten sensitivity is real, and as an individual with lifelong health problems that were never believed by a single doctor (each who told me I clearly had a leaky gut), it is so hard to see people told that a problem is not a problem. My experience caused me to become a healer. My body was so compromised I turned to the only thing I could to keep me alive. I turned to healing my body without a diagnosis. It was only moderately successful. Continue reading Yes! Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity is Real

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AutoImmune Diseases & Healing Inflammation Through Food

foods that heal the bodies inflammation due to autoimmune diseases

I grew up on whole foods and realized the importance of what I ate the first semester I was in college. I found out quickly that my body did not do well on processed foods and was grateful that my campus had a salad bar for two of our three meals per day. I was always aware, even with undiagnosed Celiac’s, that I needed only vegetables, lean protein, bananas, and one can of Tab per day (yes, I drank TAB). Continue reading AutoImmune Diseases & Healing Inflammation Through Food